Posted tagged ‘european union’

EU Embassies Open House – Sat May 12th

May 7, 2012

When: Sat May 12th, 10AM – 4PM
What: European Union Embassies Open House
Where: Throughout DC

Hi all,

Seeing that I missed the Around the World Embassies Open House this past Sat, I plan to catch the EU Embassies Open House this coming Sabbath and I want to see who is interested in going.

This is a fantastic event to get to know other cultures – in this case, countries from the European Union, including but not limited to Greece, UK, Romania, Sweden, Portugal, Latvia, Finland, Denmark, France, Estonia, and many more -> full list

There will be exhibitions, games, and drinks and cuisine and pastries, lots of it (unfortunately I don’t think Belgian chocolate is offered), I’d prefer a week-long open-house but I guess I’ll have to do w/ just one day.

I’ll be at the first stop (Austria) at 10am, it’s right off of Van Ness Metro Station, and I hope to hop to the last one (Sweden) by 4pm, but we’ll see.

If you’re interested please let me know, it’ll be more fun going together. I can’t wait 🙂
